Tiffanie, Batavia
Breastfeeding has been a struggle: Latching issues, my son getting gushed with milk too fast and causing him to vomit a lot, and him seeming to go through cluster feeding more than usual. I had many breakdowns and issues, but I was determined. With family support, determination, and my wonderful lactation consultant, I am successfully breastfeeding my four-month-old. Once you make it to the six-week mark, breastfeeding is fantastic. It’s worth every struggle and issue I have gone through. I love breastfeeding.
Megann, Milford
One of the struggles my little one and I have faced during our breastfeeding journey was cluster feeding. For the first few weeks of my son’s life, he would want to nurse about five to six hours at one time. It caused me so much distress, thinking I wasn’t making enough milk or there was just something wrong with my body. It was so tough most nights, but I pushed through. I told myself over and over that I could get through it. I trusted my son that he knew what it was that he needed. One of the WIC breastfeeding peers reassured me that it was perfectly normal. I suppose it all comes down to trust: trusting your body, trusting your baby, and trusting your supporters. Breastfeeding is the most natural and loving experience you can share with your little one.
Brittany, Goshen
Everyone told me how breast is best, and how it is so easy you don’t need formula or bottles just yourself and your baby. Is it that simple? No! However, I do still believe it is best.
My son was tongue tied and I had to take him to Children’s Hospital to get it clipped because he could not latch on. It was a two-week struggle having to supplement because I couldn’t feed my baby. I cried and cried and cried.
Then he got his tongue clipped and he latched on for the first real time!!! It was so exciting. I thought the problems were over. No. Then I was having a low supply. I felt like it was my fault because my thyroid and my blood sugars were making my supply low. One day he just started eating for 10 minutes then 15 – now he will latch on and eat for 15 minutes! So is it always easy? No, but it is worth it! It is the best bonding time a mommy could ask for!
Amy, Batavia
Sometimes my daughter would fall asleep as soon as she latched. We had a hard time getting out of the house unless it was to visit family. I think weeks four through nine were the toughest. I worked through it with the help of breastfeeding peers at the WIC office. The education I had prior to nursing, as well as the ongoing encouragement and education through the WIC program, helped me to succeed. I couldn’t have done it without them! I breastfed my daughter for 10 months. I felt connected and proud of knowing my daughter was getting the best nutritious food she could.
Rayne, Cincinnati
I really enjoyed breastfeeding. I felt so close and connected to my son. I breastfed for the first five months. I had a lot of issues with pumping at first, however, the lactation consultant was so helpful. I love the bond my son and I made. I love how naturally it came for him and me.
Nan, Milford
At first, breastfeeding was difficult and there was a learning curve, but it was very rewarding and got a lot better after the first two weeks. My daughter spit up a lot and I got mastitis. I called WIC and they gave me suggestions to help, like pumping a little before nursing, and it worked! WIC always gave great advice and listened. They even called to check on me. WIC gives awesome support. I wish I would have had someone like them with my first child. My daughter weaned herself at 14 months. I was sad because I loved all the cuddling and bonding we did.