The Ohio Administrative Code gives the board of health the authority to conduct the operation permit program and inspections of systems during installation and repairs.
3701-29-23 Inspections. (A) The board of health may at any reasonable time inspect any STS, part thereof, or proposed STS site, to conduct sampling, collect data, or perform other activities necessary to assure compliance with this chapter.
(B) No household sewage disposal system or part thereof shall be covered or put into operation until the system has been inspected and approved by the health commissioner.
Replaces: 3701-29-17
Effective: 01/01/2015
Promulgated Under: 119.04
Statutory Authority: Sec. 120.02 of Am. Sub. HB 119 (127th G.A.)
Rule Amplifies Sec. 120.02 of Am. Sub. HB 119 (127th G.A.)
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1974, 7/1/77, 7/02/07