Private water sources can come from wells, cisterns, ponds, and springs. Any private water system can carry harmful contaminants. Clermont County Public Health helps to prevent homeowners and their families from becoming sick from improperly treated private water supplies.
If you plan to build a home in an area without public water, you will need to submit an application for a private water system.
Private Water System Inspections
In Clermont County, private water systems are used where public water is unavailable. These private water systems are installed and follow the Ohio Department of Health regulations. Each system is inspected when it is installed. After the initial inspection, the systems aren’t inspected unless the homeowner or a potential buyer requests one.
During an inspection, if the water does not contain fecal contamination, then the system is working correctly. Any upgrades to your private water system must be reviewed and approved through a permit from Clermont County Public Health.
Homeowners can use water from cisterns, wells, springs, and ponds as a source for a private water system. Because Clermont County’s geology makes it difficult to install wells, cisterns are the most used private water system.
Click here for cistern cleaning instructions.
You must submit the following information and a completed application form to apply for a private water system. We cannot begin your application without all the required documentation.
Additional resources
Cistern Disinfection Instructions
Well Disinfection Fact Sheet for Homeowners
Well water interpretation tool
How to apply for a private water system permit
Plans for developing a rainwater cistern or hauled water supply
Lists of private water systems contractors, certified laboratories and registered water haulers