Prevent Blindness of Ohio

Prevent Blindness, Ohio serves more than 1,000,000 Ohioans each year to help connect people to sight-saving resources.

Free Eye Exam and/or Glasses
Clermont County Public Health (CCPH) works closely with PBO to assist Clermont County residents in getting a free eye exam and/or glasses. If you do not have a vision program through your insurance plan, contact CCPH to see if you qualify for a free eye exam and glasses at 513-735-8400. Some insurance plans will cover the eye exam but not the glasses. Check with your insurance provider to see what coverage you might have before contacting CCPH.

Who qualifies?
Anyone without vision insurance with a household income of 200% of the current federal poverty guidelines or lower qualifies for PBO services. If you are approved for the program, you will receive a voucher to take to a local provider who donates their time and expertise to help with getting an exam and glasses.

“Through this program, I am now able to take my driver’s license exam for the first time in years,” stated a recent PBO participant. Safe driving requires complex visual processes – abilities that may begin to decline as you age. A loss of your visual abilities could endanger you and others on the road. This is the type of impact the PBO can have on a community.

If you have any questions or need assistance with improving your eyesight, please call 513-735-8400 to see if you qualify for an eye exam and glasses.