Mobile FSO Plan Review Guidelines
Mobile Food Service Operations (FSO) and Retail Food Establishments (RFE) are operated from a movable vehicle or other portable structure that routinely changes locations and cannot remain at one location for more than forty consecutive days. A mobile license needs to be obtained from the local health district where the business headquarters is located.
If a mobile is licensed in another state and plans to operate in Ohio a license must be purchased prior to the event from the local health district where the mobile first plans to operate.
The design of the mobile operation will determine which food items can be prepared and served. If the mobile operator wishes to sell food that is not prepackaged there must be a hand washing sink as well as a means of washing equipment, whether it be a 3 compartment or a licensed base of operation. In order to sell perishable hot or cold food, the mobile must of have a mechanical means of keeping foods hot at 135° F or above or cold at 41°F or below.
For further information see the mobile plan review guidelines or contact us.