Since September 2001, Clermont County Public Health has been working with community partners and other tri-state regional partners to prepare, respond and recover from public health emergencies.
A public health emergency is an event that affects the public’s health, safety and quality of life. It can occur anytime and anywhere. A public health emergency can be caused by natural disasters, biological terrorism, chemical terrorism/accidents, radiological terrorism/accidents, or naturally occurring communicable disease outbreaks. Emergency planning is essential to ensure an effective response to a public health emergency.
CCPH Emergency Response Plan (ERP) provides general guidelines and tools for organizing and responding to public health and medical emergencies/disasters. CCPH ERP is a comprehensive plan and they are continually modified as new information becomes available or as lessons are learned from drills and exercises.
CCPH would like to have your feedback regarding the contents of CCPH ERP. You can view a copy of the ERP here.
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