Clermont Partnership for Health

Purpose: The Clermont Partnership for Health, established in October 2023, is a collaborative effort among community organizations, healthcare providers, local government agencies, businesses, schools, and other key stakeholders in Clermont County. Through cross-sector collaboration, the partnership is committed to advancing health equity by identifying key health priorities in Clermont County and coordinating action to improve population health.

Mission – Improve population and advance health equity in Clermont County by identifying key health priorities and coordinating strategic action through cross-sector collaboration.

Vision – A thriving, vibrant, healthy community to live, play, work, learn, and grow!

Values – collaboration, relationship-building, equity, innovation, compassion, inclusion, and respect.

We want your feedback!
Take our 5-minute survey.

Your answers will help us improve the health of Clermont County.

Community Health Assessment

The Clermont Partnership for Health helps to compile data for the Community Health Assessment (CHA). The purpose of the CHA is to:

  • Learn about the health of the population.
  • Identify factors that cause health risks or impact health outcomes.
  • Determine what resources are available to improve the overall health of the population. 

Community Health Improvement Plan

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) sets priorities, objectives, strategies, and activities to address the top-priority health issues in the community. Based on community and steering members’ input, the top health issues facing Clermont County are:

  • Mental Health
  • Suicide deaths
  • Youth drug use
  • Drug overdose deaths
  • Tobacco/nicotine use.


The overall goal of the CHIP is to increase awareness of health issues impacting the community, provide educational opportunities to the public to improve their health, and address the social determinants of health.

The CHIP is reviewed and updated annually with input from our community stakeholders to ensure that progress on priorities, objectives, strategies, and activities are monitored and evaluated.

The Clermont County CHIP aligns with state priority factors and health outcomes.