Animal Complaints

curious team of seven cats and dogs looking up while standing and sitting on white background

Clermont County Public Health does not regulate the number or types of animals kept.

We will investigate animal complaints only if the complaint is a nuisance to the public’s health. An excessive accumulation of animal waste that produces an abnormally offensive odor, or causes stream pollution would be a public health nuisance. If your complaint is related to a public health nuisance, you can file a complaint online, here.

For complaints about the inhumane treatment of animals or a nuisance caused by stray cats or dogs, please contact the Clermont County Animal Shelter.

For more information on dealing with nuisance wild animals (raccoons, skunks, geese, etc.), contact the Ohio Division of Wildlife at 1-800-WILDLIFE.

Dead animals found on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. Contact the Clermont County Engineer’s Office for removal of a dead animal found on a county road or right-of-way.