Air Pollution

Open burning of garbage and waste with huge flames and plumes of black smoke.

Most air quality complaints fall under the jurisdiction of either the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or the Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services.

The Ohio EPA regulates industrial emissions. Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services (HCDOES) monitors those emissions in Hamilton and Clermont counties.

The Ohio EPA also regulates the open burning of solid waste. Open burning of solid waste is not allowed in most circumstances.

Rather than burning yard waste, you can bring leaves, grass clippings, tree trimmings, and other yard wastes to composting facilities in the county. Other types of solid waste, such as paper and plastics, can be recycled. Visit the Clermont County Office of Environmental Quality for information about recycling.

Air pollution complaints received by Clermont County Public Health are usually referred to the HCDOES.

To file an air pollution complaint or get an open burning permit, visit the Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services website or the 24-hour hotline at 513-946-7777.

You can get more information at the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s website.