What is CMH?
The Complex Medical Help program is an Ohio Department of Health program supported by local public health departments. It links families of children with special healthcare needs to a network of quality providers and helps families obtain payment for the services their children need. CMH also promotes early identification of children with handicapping conditions and treatment of those children by appropriate health care providers.
CMH’s Mission
To assure, through the development and support of high quality, coordinated systems, that children with special health care needs and their families obtain comprehensive care and services that are family-centered, community-based, and culturally sensitive.
How can CMH help my child?
CMH has three programs to help children with special healthcare needs.*
Diagnostic Program – rules out or diagnoses a special healthcare need or establishes a treatment plan.
Treatment Program – helps with the treatment of an eligible condition. Patients must meet medical and financial eligibility requirements for the treatment program.
Service Coordination Program – helps families locate and coordinate services for their children. It is a limited program available to children with unique conditions who are seen by a team of providers at CMH-approved hospitals.
Transition to Adulthood
The transition into adulthood is stressful, especially for families with children who have special healthcare needs. Early planning is key. By the time a child is 14 years old, families should begin to plan for them to no longer be eligible for CMH services as adults. Currently, young adults’ CMH Service Coordination Program service expires the day before their 21st birthday. The treatment program service expires the day before their 25th birthday. Planning tools and resources are available on the Ohio Department of Health’s website here.
*All services must be related to the child’s eligible condition and given by CMH-approved providers. If the client remains eligible, services may be renewed yearly between ages 0 to 25.
How can I get more information?
To talk to a Clermont County Public Health Nurse, please call 513-735-8400