Clermont County Public Health is pleased to offer the Acceptable Operation and Maintenance Program (AO&M). This program is designed to reward those who consistently maintain their sewage treatment systems year after year. Public Health recognizes that most homeowners are responsible system operators and are taking the necessary steps to operate their onsite system in an acceptable manner.
How do I become an AO&M operator?
This designation is available to both residential and small flow commercial system operators and allows for the term of the operation permit to be doubled. A system operator that receives a pass on two consecutive assessments will be designated an AO&M operator and issued an operation permit that is in effect for twice as long as normal. An AO&M operator that maintains a system with mechanical components will be issued a 38-month permit, and the operator that maintains a system without any mechanical components will be issued a 76-month permit. Due to the extended operation permit, the next regularly scheduled assessment will be skipped and no fee will be generated. An operator will earn the AO&M designation when they meet the following conditions:
What can cause my AO&M designation to be revoked?
Whenever a home changes owners the AO&M designation will be voided. Once the new operator meets the requirements outlined above the designation can be reinstated and the extended operation permit issued that is appropriate for the system type. Public Health staff are conducting a complaint investigation, accessory structure inspection, loan inspection, or are on site for any other reason, and the system is found in a failing condition the AO&M designation will be voided and regular assessments conducted until the above conditions are met again. Systems in the Sewage Nuisance Abatement and Remediation Plan (SNARP) program are not eligible for this designation until the final system has been installed.
These changes are effective February 1, 2015. To read this regulation’s entire text, see Regulation 415 Section 415-12 Operation and Maintenance, Operation Permit Program.