2019 Septic Rehab Program now open

Clermont County Public Health’s (CCPH)  Septic Rehab Program is now open for 2019. The program provides money to low-income homeowners to repair or replace failing septic systems.

To be eligible for the program, applicants must live in Clermont County, meet income eligibility requirements, and own and occupy the home that is attached to the septic system.

If you applied for funding in the past but were denied, we encourage you to apply again.

If your septic system is currently failing, it is important to submit this application before the deadline to avoid additional re-inspections and fees.

Applications should be returned to:
Clermont County Public Health
2275 Bauer Road
Batavia, OH 45103

by Friday, December 28, 2018. Copies of income information for all adults in your household must be submitted with the application. Your application will be considered incomplete and will not be considered if proof of income is not included. Staff is available to help you complete the application anytime during regular business hours.

Once all of the applications are received, they will be reviewed and ranked in order of need. Priority is given to the systems that are considered to be most in need of repairs.

2019 Septic Rehab Program Plan

Septic Rehab Application Packet